Character Resources for Children, Parents and Teachers - Completed


0.0165 BTC


3150 EUR

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Campaign details

Total BTC Received: 0.0165 BTC
Sell Price: 67889.5 EUR/BTC
Withdraw to BitHope account: 668 EUR
Total taxes (bank + exchange): 13 EUR
BitHope share: 33 EUR
Total amount sent to beneficiary: 635 EUR
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Parents, teachers, and our global society share a common goal: children should perform well in both - school and in life.

They should be able to use numbers in math, manage the letters in the alphabet, and be aware of the traffic rules on the street. But we also want them to be resolute in their behavior – to finish what they begin, to try again after a mistake or failure, and to be curious and appreciative. 

There is a diversity of educational resources for children in primary schools whose parents and teachers use to present visually knowledge in academic subjects. Unfortunately, though, there are no resources to visually present the various character strengths which are just as important. Those help children learn and understand who they are and what superpowers they possess that help them develop and succeed in life. launched a campaign to make character features more obvious to parents, teachers, and children. 

Campaign Goals

The goal is to help parents and teachers build knowledge, skills, and develop appropriate behavior on character features using educational resources created for children. The materials transform character traits from something intangible to something visible, from abstract to specific, and from something clouded by theory to something that one can practice daily. 

Use of Funds

Funds generated in this campaign will be used by to design, develop, print, and distribute character resources such as learning materials, posters, stickers, and creative panels, that help build vocabulary for character traits in 1000 students in primary schools. These resources will visualize in an accessible way for children what it means to have and practice character strengths such as creativity, confidence, and kindness. 

The team firmly believes that character skills and behaviors are fundamental for the achievement of results, success, and attainment of happiness in children at school and in life. Especially nowadays in circumstances such as Covid-19, when children need to judge every situation even better, and adapt their own behavior to the new reality, learn faster, help each other even more, stay positive and maintain hope for a better future…

Thank You, Bitcoin has received continuous support from the bitcoin community worldwide. Together we have empowered over 1000 children to learn about their character strengths through workshops in public schools. In times when personal contact is being limited, developing and distributing educational resources is a great way to help children and adults strengthen their character from a safe distance. 

Let’s help together! One more time.