Support the "Positive and Character Education" Campaign - Completed


0.0209 BTC


3150 EUR

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Total BTC Received: 0.0209 BTC
Total taxes (bank + exchange): 0 EUR
Total amount sent to beneficiary: 156.45 EUR
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Learning happens to be a difficult job for a large number of students in Bulgaria. It could be fun and attractive at times, but it is very often a frightening and discouraging activity. Students, who do not want to learn anymore, who do not think they can continue and who do not see any meaning in it, they simply give up – regardless of how good the school is, the teachers themselves are or how well the information is presented.
Character is an important factor for success at school and in life and the work with the character strengths of the students is actually just as important as teaching the alphabet letters and digits in literature and math. It is this hope, that Character.BG and Primary School “Yane Sandansky” - Razlog share - that we can integrate positive education and character education as innovative approaches in Bulgaria.

If we are able to acquire 3000 Euro, we will be enabled to: 

  • Purchase materials, tools and thematic games to perform positive experiences for character building throughout the academic year and the summer holiday, helping build vocabulary, understanding and behaviors for well-being and character in the 130 students from the 1st to the 4th grade; 
  • Buy paints, sprays, and other items to artistically visualize the character language and behaviors in the classrooms, the hallways and the yard of the school, establishing the necessary ethos for character in the learning environment. This will further improve the efforts of the teachers and mentors on developing character strengths of the students; 
  • Conduct public events with experts in the field, introducing the framework of character vocabulary and behaviors, good practices and required resources to the parents and the local community. This will help the parents to become more actively engaged in the process of character building. 
When we have one common language for character, which all children, teachers, parents and mentors use and see on the walls every day, then more students will develop their character strengths, including grit and performance behaviors at school and at home.

This will help children to:

  • Finish what they start;
  • Stick to a project or activity for more than a few weeks;
  • Try again even though they have experienced failure;
  • Stay committed to their goals; 
  • Keep on working hard even though they feel like giving up. 
Our big “Why?” is the hope that if we build, nurture, and prioritize character, everything else such as academics, examination scores and successes will follow by themselves, and for the right reasons.
Join our “Why?”!