Sofia Crypto Meetup Bitcoin Donation Fund


0.3609 BTC



Time left

277 days



Campaign Address

QR Code

QR Code

Your donation may be tax deductable in the European Union help

This permanent campaign at serves as the official Sofia Crypto Meetup donation fund.

All bitcoins received at this address will be used to support:
  • the monthly events dedicated to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies;
  • community initiatives and contests;
  • other projects that aim to educate and/or promote Bitcoin, blockchain technology and trustless, distributed networks in general.

The community will be involved in the spending of the funds through the organization of polls in the Facebook group.

If you want to donate altcoins or tokens, you can use Changelly to convert them to BTC.

About Sofia Crypto Meetup

The first Sofia Crypto Meetup (SCM) was organized in January 2016 by Yanislav Malahov in betahaus, Sofia. It was then taken up by Vladislav Dramaliev and Ivo Vasilev to become a monthly event in Bulgaria’s capital. Ivan Fartunov joined the team in September 2018.

Sofia Crypto Meetup is the first and oldest, regular blockchain event in Bulgaria. It provides a venue for discussions among newbie enthusiasts, professionals, and everyone in between.

The monthly gatherings are focused on topics that are currently relevant in the blockchain space. They provide participants with an opportunity to get exposed to the opinions of industry experts, ask questions, and meet other enthusiasts face-to-face. 

Sofia Crypto Meetup currently takes place on the last Wednesday of each month (except for December) in Puzl Coworking.

It is supported by three organizations – the Bithope Foundation, æternity blockchain, and NEXO. Most of the funds are used as payment for the venue, drinks for the participants, and video recording of the meetups.

The recordings of all events since Sofia Crypto Meetup #18 can be found in the YouTube playlist below. All of them are in English with the exception of SCM #39: