Bitcoins for your charitable campaign!

Bitcoins for your charitable campaign!
Published on: 09.06.2016
Here is some information for those of you, who are still not really into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is the first implementation of a truly peer-to-peer digital currency that works on a decentralized network platform – the Blockchain. You might have already heard of this revolutionary new type of currency (cryptocurrency) by reading its numerous, mostly clichéd descriptions at various websites, articles, and reports. 

Well, how aware are you of the fact that bitcoins can be utilized for donations, charity, and fundraising? Despite the fact that there are many investors, speculators, and users of bitcoins, there is less understanding and knowledge regarding bitcoin donations. 

Whether you are trying to raise funds for a project or seeking donations for a morally worthy cause, bitcoins CAN be used as an additional source of support for your fundraising / donation campaign.

But why should bitcoin be considered a donation tool in the first place?

Well, many avid bitcoin users love the idea of utilizing the currency and support its use for different purposes. By utilizing it and having the ‘donate bitcoins’ button available on your website or your campaign announced at a place where bitcoin donors go, it is very likely that some users will donate a small sum just for the fact that you accept bitcoin!

What else? Bitcoin transactions are usually carried out instantly, requiring very low fees and do not entail the provision of sensitive personal information. Considering that banks will take ages for international transfers and popular payment processors such as PayPal have large processing fees for transactions, in addition to the privacy intrusion, bitcoins is an obvious choice.

Some recognizable non-profit organisations such as the Red Cross and UNICEF already have bitcoin donations integrated, indicating the growing popularity of this new type of currency. If you are someone who donates bitcoins regularly or are looking for an organisation which accepts bitcoins, you have come to the right place. BitHope is a bitcoin donations platform, accumulating the charitable campaigns of many non-profits (NPOs). We make sure that all generated bitcoins are spent in accordance with the announced goal and help classic NPOs realize the potential of cryptocurrency.

How can we help non-profit organizations?

If you are a representative of a NPO, willing to start accepting bitcoin and at the same time ready to allow a third party (the BitHope Foundation) ascertain how you have spent the generated funds, contact us today at [email protected] or simply follow the steps after clicking on the "ADD YOUR CAMPAIGN" button in the footer (scroll down).

Want some bitcoins?

If you are an individual interested in owning some bitcoin (in order to start playing with it, which is great fun) you may want to check Kraken, Bitstamp or Coinbase - all fully regulated, international bitcoin exchanges (we recommend Kraken).

Photo by Inc. (Alsever, Jennifer. The Essential Guide to Crowdfunding. July/August 2015. URL)