We have the winner!

We have the winner!
Published on: 12.12.2016

Math has determined the winner!

The bitcoin address that got the brand new TREZOR hardware wallet is:


The address' private key owner should send us an email in order to receive instructions on how to prove his/her identity.

Anyone can check how was the winning bitcoin address selected by running the script at Github. Just fill in:

- Satoshis-per-ticket (500000)

- Block height (for block #442574)

- The Raffle's bitcoin address (1AgW6CEEupF5b4KtyPYz657N2smgSygiV5)

The Raffle generated 0.2770943 BTC (~205 EUR) which were added to the bitcoin address of "Support Children with Learning Difficulties" Campaign. We will be completing the campaign by sending the funds (in fiat) to the relevant non-profit organization, and will provide all relevant information.

A new Raffle will be organized next year. So, stay tuned!

Thank you for participating!

The BitHope Foundation Team