We are happy to announce the completion of another two campaigns!
The "Brotherhood of the Phoenix" campaign generated 0.5752 BTC, reaching 185% of the goal. The bitcoins were exchanged at Kraken and resulted in a financial support in fiat equal to 2671.56 BGN (~1363 EUR / 1526 USD). The funds have been transferred to and received by Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB). The funds will support the safeguarding of the most vulnerable nests in Bulgaria located in the Eastern Rhodopes and in Rusenski Lom. They will be used to cover the travel expenses of the volunteers – to reach the nests and the travel budget for providing supplementary food to the hatching pairs.
Detailed information about how the funds were spent by the partner non-profit organization will be provided to the BitHope Foundation and will be available for download at the completed campaign's page at BitHope.org. All information that has been generated so far is already available there.
The second completed campaign was “Preeclampsia? I want to Know”. It generated 0.4775 BTC, fulfilling its funding goal by 153%. The fiat amount that was transferred to the "Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies” Foundation is 2214.61 BGN (~1130 EUR / 1265 USD). You can find more information on the completed campaign page.
Both campaigns received 95% of all generated funds in accordance with the agreements that were signed between the BitHope Foundation and the respective non-profit entity. All relevant taxes were paid by the BitHope Foundation. The bank transfer amount to the partner non-profits was determined by the following formula:
Generated bitcoins * BTC/EUR Exchange rate (Kraken) * EUR/BGN Exchange rate (1.95 BGN/EUR) * 0.95
Our KYC procedure for non-profits that want to announce a campaign at BitHope.org has been especially devised to ensure the funds' proper spending. You can learn more about the process of announcing a campaign with us by reading this short article.
In addition, we strive to be as transparent as possible with all our campaigns. All the information that we have, you have.
Thank you for sending some of your increasingly more valuable cryptocurrency to our charitable campaigns.
We appreciate every satoshi.
Please continue to "Send a bit of hope!"
The BitHope Foundation Team